00:18:47 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: You may have mentioned this lesli, Do you recommend we send a questionnaire before the conversation? 00:20:01 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: I received a call and I took the call... before sending them a questionaire 00:24:26 Kara Burnstine: I utilized the questions for the discovery call and incorporated them into a f/u. I sent the client an email before our session and wrote down her goals and then asked the questions to reflect on her goals and if they are working or not working and asked her to number her goals in order of priority and put the 1-10 importance on the #1 goal. It was a great call and really enlightened the client to see her actions and priorities don't actually align.. 00:25:41 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Lesli Where do we find the questions you ask I did a search if FB 00:26:00 Kara Burnstine: I will paste them again 00:26:26 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Thank you Kara 00:27:05 Lindsay Henley: I did my first live yoga class on FB live! 00:27:18 Lindsay Henley: good! 00:27:43 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Applause to you Lindsay!! 00:28:01 Saima: Awesome Lindsay! 00:28:06 Lindsay Henley: thank you! it was high anxiety beforehand but afterwards I felt great and more confident to do more 00:28:08 Patti: I had more of a mind-set shift. I was planning my package for individual sessions. In the last call, you said something about group presentations. I decided to re-work my package to a group series; which was my origingal intention anyway 00:28:08 Kara Burnstine: Questions to Ask Before Your Call.. What are your biggest struggles and how is the affecting life? What have you done in te past to solve it? What are results? What are your goals? To accomplish? What’s your vision? ON scale 1-10 how important is this to achieve goals? It take commitment and resources to achieve goals, do you have the resources to support process (optional question) 00:28:29 Chris Latham: I sent out my Digestive Tuneup to my email list and shared on FB and Instagram and to doctors I work with. I have 2 signed up, but need more since it starts May 1st.
Do you think people sign up at the last second? 00:29:07 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Thank you Kara 00:29:09 rickelletallent: I started doing lives as well. scary at first! 00:29:10 Michele: I got back on Healthprofs...took myself off when all the shut downs started because I was scared about not having much time to work but I have more time than anticipated. Now hope to be able to practice this enrollment convo much more in the coming weeks! 00:29:19 Kara Burnstine: yes! I find that to be true. My last clean eating program the last four days I had the 80% of signups 00:30:20 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Fantastic Kara! 00:30:38 Chris Latham: I sent out my 30 day Digestive Tuneup to my email list and shared on FB and Instagram and to doctors I work with. I have 2 signed up, but need more since it starts May 1st.
Do you think people sign up at the last second? 00:30:41 Kara Burnstine: that was answering another question 00:32:06 Chris Latham: @Kara did you resend an email as a reminder? Or did they just sign up? 00:39:24 Chris Latham: What do you recommend calling the discovery questions on your website? I’ve seen others call it a “new client questionnaire.”. 00:41:00 Kara Burnstine: I send reminders daily via all platforms 00:42:30 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: kara what are you sending reminders about? 00:42:42 Kara Burnstine: christine asked me above 00:42:52 Kara Burnstine: for clean eating program 00:48:21 Lindsay Henley: I have a question, 00:48:22 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: lesli can you adjust screen size 00:48:28 Lindsay Henley: what if you don't feel they are good fit? 00:49:04 Lindsay Henley: Just refer out? 00:49:10 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Only thought that will help you see us 00:51:26 Jo: What if they truly cannot afford it? I take insurance, and I still want to take them on for the time being even if they cannot afford the accountability package. 00:51:33 Kara Burnstine: would be great if we had you in our ear during these calls lol 00:52:30 Patti: Jo, that is a real concern for me as well. 00:53:40 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Do you know what is in her accountability package 00:54:41 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Those are the only things that I came up with that insurance would not necessarily cover 00:56:03 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: FYI- no need to answer..I ask bc I I was trying to make the accountability plan more attractive. 01:13:58 natalieledesma: Do you use this 24hour incentive with everyone or just some clients? 01:14:09 Alyssa Simpson: If they then come back a couple weeks later do you charge them the full amount or give them the incentivized price? 01:14:52 Kara Burnstine: and you do installments? pay over 3 months? 01:15:34 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: perhaps offer part of original discount but not the initial amount mentioned 01:16:09 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Yes. I think you are right. They rarely return 01:16:26 Josephine: To piggyback on Kara’s comment. If the program is 3 months long, what are your thoughts on installments over a longer period of time? for example 6 months. 01:16:56 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Sometimes it is a judgment gut decision on your part 01:17:41 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Good idea Lesli. 01:18:12 Kara Burnstine: you didn't finish, what is they are waffling how do we uncover? 01:19:58 Kara Burnstine: you are good. you were in mid sentence 01:20:27 Kara Burnstine: got it thanks 01:24:06 Lindsay Henley: how long to you try to keep "the follow up" call 01:24:20 rickelletallent: Do you have them call you on that day, too? 01:25:04 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: would you send them an appointment calendar to make that appointment with you? so it is on both of theirs and your calendar? 01:27:28 Chris Latham: Why did you add 10%? 01:27:55 Chris Latham: So you take 10% if they use a payment plan. 01:28:00 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: paypal and stripe have fees 01:28:05 rickelletallent: What is your opinion on monthly auto debits using a saved credit card? 01:28:41 Deanna: How common is it that they want the payment plan? 01:28:42 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: agree not to nickel and diming. 01:29:09 Voula: you don't have the money up front so it's a risk 01:31:08 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Do you give a discount for spouse or partner? if they start together and you do a joint program 01:31:19 Patti: What if they ask about refund if they drop out before the program ends? 01:32:10 Kara Burnstine: I guess if per chance a tragedy happens.. 01:39:39 Patti: This info is helpful but I have to go, I have a client at 3:30. 01:44:57 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Would you offer the smaller one with option to go into the bigger program if there is synergy of services 01:47:16 Voula: what price for smaller offer? 01:50:38 Voula: 20% less?, 30% 01:50:56 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: what are you willing too accept 01:51:33 Lindsay Henley: Im thinking of offering a 1 or 2 month "basics" just meeting 1 initial and 3 follow ups, no additional help or support in between sessions- so what does a price range usually for that? 01:51:38 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: I think You need to be happy for the work you are going to do.. 01:53:19 Voula: If after the short program they want the full program do you discount that one? 01:53:52 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: To determine cost I look at ow much work and effort and prep I will you put into the sessions. Are there materials I need to develop,etc 01:55:11 rickelletallent: Thank you, Lesli. Sorry I have to get going. 01:55:35 Chris Latham: Thank you! 01:56:12 Chris Latham: I had two people call me this week to be a client. 01:57:04 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Fantastic Chris!! :) 02:01:26 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Good idea. I have been reconnecting with previous clients via my newsletter. Lesli would you email them or call them asking them if they would like to know about my new packages? 02:01:50 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Thank you Lesli 02:02:32 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Like a free 30 minute webinar? 02:02:40 Voula: I think you mean calling people up to connect? 02:04:24 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Love that idea, Lesli. 02:05:16 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: and this is for just one one on one session.. 02:05:25 Alyssa Simpson: What type of benefits would you list for this 1:1 call since it's really an enrollment convo? 02:05:45 Josephine: how long do you suggest this session to be? 02:06:42 Alyssa Simpson: In the newsletter I mean 02:06:58 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Lesli would you have them fill out questionnaire on google form? is that possible? or is it via wufu form that is personalized 02:09:45 Lesli Bitel: “You know, from time to time in my practice I have the ability to offer something I call my “Such-and-Such Breakthrough Session.” Now this is typically valued at (price), but I’d truly love to gift you one of these sessions where we will ___(result)___, ___(result)___, ___(result)___ if it resonates with you. Is that something you’d like to do? 02:12:01 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Newsletter LAnguage and here is what you will get after the session, clarity of what is holding you back, create a powerful vision to move forward and together develop powerful 02:12:15 Alma Simmons: What language would you use if you are going to do a market study on Facebook, like a survey to get to know some pain points 02:12:20 Alma Simmons: ? 02:12:36 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: I will also Give you tips and next steps... 02:12:45 Alma Simmons: Yeah we talked in our pod meeting 02:13:01 Alma Simmons: just wanted to know how it was approached to friends 02:14:01 Voula: I have to go thank you Lesli..! 02:14:12 Lindsay Henley: me to, thank you! 02:14:14 Alma Simmons: I have the survey I just don’t know how to post it 02:14:21 Barbara Baron, The Family Meals Dietitian: Thank you Lesli 02:14:52 Kara Burnstine: thanks 02:14:53 Josephine: Thank you Lesli