00:07:05 Deanna: you seem fine 00:07:07 Kara Burnstine: you are good 00:07:09 Michele: audio is great! 00:12:07 Kara Burnstine: I just joined a BNI group this am to test the waters to help with networking as I can't pound pavement 00:13:28 Chris Latham: Sounds like LEADS. 00:19:12 Jennifer Fedie: Lesli, I have an example of something I did in the fall, then got stumped, that applies to this 00:19:25 Rickelle Tallent: I got 2 new client :) 00:20:21 Suzanne Farrell: I signed on a client for my signature program and started sending out newsletter more consistently 00:20:45 Suzanne Farrell: Congrats Kara!!! 00:21:19 Jennifer Fedie: Its really encouraging any of you having successes!! 00:23:20 natalieledesma: I offered a complimentary webinar last week and had over 125 people join. 00:24:12 Chris Latham: Like Kara, I started my Digestive Tune-up on Friday. It’s really fun and I love doing it. 00:24:33 Kara Burnstine: awesome chris! 00:24:44 Chris Latham: @Kara you too! 00:24:44 Kara Burnstine: did you get a lot of people to join? 00:24:53 Patti: Nothing with the progam but I have been getting new clients regularly. 00:25:08 Kara Burnstine: awesome! 00:28:22 Saima: I specialize in GDM, am a CDE 00:28:30 Christine : Go for it Jen. You are a RD who knows enough to offer persons with GDM 00:28:36 Saima: I can help you think it through 00:30:12 Patti: I did think of something...I had a prior client reach out to restart sessions. We decided to focus on Intuitive Eating, which is the topic for my program, so as I work with her I will also be able to lay the groundwork for my program. 00:31:18 Suzanne Farrell: Question for whenever and maybe another time- what do you do about friends who want to schedule and work with you. Discounts? Feels a bit awkward for me. 00:31:31 Jennifer Fedie: Thank you Christine and Saima, I will post on Facebook 00:32:30 Patti: I do not offer any family/friend discounts. 00:33:18 Kara Burnstine: go girl!!! 00:33:37 Rickelle Tallent: Suzanne I have that same questions! 00:35:04 Kara Burnstine: Yay suzanne! that's so awesome! 00:37:07 Christine : so good to hear, Suzanne. way to use the tools 00:37:23 Kara Burnstine: how much did you discount program? 00:37:55 Suzanne Farrell: Thanks so much guys, you too:)!!! 00:38:51 Suzanne Farrell: Wow- way to go! 00:39:39 Christine : Congratulations, Natalie! 00:48:03 Lindsay Henley: Are we inviting them into a "discovery call" ? 00:48:40 Jennifer Fedie: How long is a "breakthrough Session? 00:48:48 Suzanne Farrell: Same question- is this similar to enrollment call, but face to face? 00:50:24 Patti: Is this networking message for potential clients or referral partners to hopefully produce clients? 00:51:22 Kara Burnstine: would you offer to maybe the first 10 that reach out? 00:52:33 Lindsay Henley: I am offering my discovery calls for free already, so should I offer another 1-off session as a "gift" with a littl content with the plan to see if they want to enroll in a program after? 00:53:58 Lindsay Henley: I am thinking of the "free webinar" that Natalie did as a 1 time "gift" that enrolls people at the end possibly 00:54:47 Kara Burnstine: they have 70 members in BNI so wondering how to not have too many discovery calls 00:56:04 Kara Burnstine: ok thanks 00:56:26 Kara Burnstine: got it! thanks 00:56:31 Chris Latham: When would you use this language/strategy/etc.? 00:57:31 Chris Latham: When would you offer it? 00:58:35 Rickelle Tallent: Similar to what Lindsey is asking, Is there a way to make these sound different than the free strategy session we promote on social media? 01:00:34 Suzanne Farrell: So in this scenario they should call to schedule if they can’t on the spot? 01:00:53 Suzanne Farrell: Versus us taking their contact info and calling to schedule? 01:01:23 Rickelle Tallent: What if we are meeting via video chat? Do you recommend against that? 01:02:26 Kara Burnstine: doing facebook live cooking and nutrition videos has increased my audience a little. I chose a day and time so people know it's happening. I used to do it randomly, but now I have a regular "show" and it's helping 01:02:45 Lindsay Henley: Is anyone working with a physician referral group (I am planning on contacting local GI) and not using insurance? Are you selling programs and packages for cash? How does that work from the referring provider, I feel like people expect insurance coverage when being referred by their PCP or GI specialist. Maybe that's a misconception I have. 01:03:07 Kara Burnstine: most of my dr. referrals are not referring right now 01:03:09 Suzanne Farrell: Face to face at my office concerns me b/c I think it’d be easy to fall into a 1st session- I think I might prefer video or phone 01:03:42 Chris Latham: @lindsay I am working with several Meds and don’t accept insurance. They still refer. 01:04:00 Chris Latham: Oops I meant MDs 01:04:18 Lindsay Henley: Thanks Chris! 01:04:45 Rickelle Tallent: How do you recommend they call us if doing video chat? I’ve been sending them a Zoom link 01:04:55 Kara Burnstine: I am trying! no one knocking just yet 01:05:18 Kara Burnstine: ok I need to be more specific..I will try that! 01:05:24 natalieledesma: @Lindsay - I have a few MDs who refer patients and while patients will certainly ask about insurance, I don’t accept insurance. I do provide patients with a super bill that they can submit to insurance for reimbursement. 01:07:04 Lindsay Henley: How are you doing super bills from your programs? Just pull out the individual sessions from your program for each super bill? (ie 1 initial, 5 follow ups) and then offering a seprate fee for the "accountability package" for in between session emails/chats and food log checks, etc. 01:12:41 natalieledesma: Packages are new to me, but yes, that was my thought, to provide patients a super bill for the consultations. I did have one patient use her flexible spending account card to pay for the webinar course. 01:13:40 Jennifer Fedie: What about a letter of intro to therapist groups? If its cold, who is the contact? Office manager? 01:13:44 natalieledesma: correct 01:15:21 Patti: Jennifer, I sent intro letters to therapists when I started my practice. I didn't know these therapists personally, I had their names from working at a hospital. I share many clients with many of these therapists. 01:16:19 Chris Latham: By therapist do you mean a psychologist/psychiatrist? 01:17:48 Patti: I sent intro letter first. When established I sent a follow-up letter with a business card. It could be therapist, psychoolgist or psychiartrist. From my experience, the therapists will likely respond the best. 01:20:38 Jennifer Fedie: Good point Patti about f/u 01:35:20 Chris Latham: This is great. Thanks. It gives me a lot of good ideas. 01:41:14 Chris Latham: I find (and have heard) that ND’s don’t really refer since they believe they know enough nutrition. 01:42:41 Lindsay Henley: I think they are open to it if you are integrative and functional dietitian. like NDs I went to school with at Bastyr like to partner with other "like minded" dietitians 01:43:25 Jennifer Fedie: How would I break into a business (example, I live near 3M) search for people on LinkedIn?