00:11:00 Lindsay Henley: I was looking for that too Barbara! 00:35:54 Chris Latham: I’m still confused on the gifting strategy sessions, since I offer a free 20 minute phone call. 00:41:38 Michele Rudolphi: Great. That was so helpful 00:42:09 Michele Rudolphi: This helped me revisit my strategy and gain perspective 00:42:11 Lindsay Henley: how long will the videos be posted? 00:43:59 Chris Latham: If you don’t offer a 20 minute phone call then how do you get people to sign up for your programs? 00:44:39 Chris Latham: You phrase it differently. 00:52:40 Michele Rudolphi: I don't know if this helps - I feel that with the "free session", I am digging into their story and helping them figure out their vision but then a bit part is going into my services. With the "strategy session" I put my agenda of selling my services aside and REALLY focus on them and help them develop an initial plan of action for their health situation. Just my view of each... 00:53:06 Chris Latham: Thanks Michele. 00:55:27 Natalie Ledesma: I like the checklist idea. 00:55:38 Barbara Baron: I have a question too 00:57:04 Natalie Ledesma: @Michele - the strategy session is fee-based, yes? Or do you offer that free as well? 00:57:07 Barbara Baron: I just did a challenge 00:58:17 Barbara Baron: Challenges build the know like trust factor. 01:00:32 Michele Rudolphi: @Natalie - I do it for free as well. 01:02:34 Emily Luxford: @kara - I would charge. Or give them a little taste for free and then charge for the complete package. 01:03:00 Kara Burnstine: thanks! 01:03:33 Jennifer Fedie: @Kara, as I hear you talk it out loud, it makes sense that you charge for this/for the work you've done 01:03:45 Kara Burnstine: thanks ladies! 01:05:01 Kara Burnstine: @barbara wow! 40 people is great! 01:05:52 Kara Burnstine: I feel like the people who will buy know me as I have been doing these videos consistently..and they are free 01:08:00 Kara Burnstine: go barb! that's awesome! 01:14:01 Patti: Barbara, Could you wait a few days then reach out to her and don't ask if she is ready to come back but in asking how she is doing with the current crisis you can also let her know that you are always available for her to come back. Instead of asking, plant the seed for it to be their idea. 01:18:06 Barbara Baron: Yes hank you @Patti. Thank you @Emily and Kara I will call her . 01:18:18 Barbara Baron: Thank you Lesli 01:21:15 Patti: I for one completely agree with you Lesli! 01:23:29 Patti: My difficulty with scheduling time if fear of not meeting my clients needs for their appointment time! 01:23:47 Barbara Baron: i notice social media can be a big distractor. How often do you recommend checking /responding to social media 01:24:47 Barbara Baron: Block out your Big Rocks (Stephen Covey) 01:28:38 Patti: I have to go for an appt. I would love to f/u on my Ideal Week later on the Facebook page. I NEED this! 01:29:06 Chris Latham: What was that on social media? 01:31:05 Jennifer Fedie: How do you do that in Excel? 01:31:11 Barbara Baron: A lesli can you comment on posting versus commenting on social media 01:31:26 Jennifer Fedie: I need to take an Excel tutorial!! 01:31:49 Kara Burnstine: yes thanks lesli, it's just the tortuous task of figuring that out, but it's a great idea! 01:33:39 Kara Burnstine: The handout is called "content creation frequency for list building" 01:36:42 Barbara Baron: Definitely. I haven't thought about using the blog as a central springboard theme 01:38:44 Natalie Ledesma: yes 01:38:47 Kara Burnstine: much less.. 01:38:49 Caitlin Barringer: yes 01:38:52 Chris Latham: We haven’t in a while. 01:39:01 Barbara Baron: Yes we are meeting as pods 01:39:04 Kara Burnstine: I will resurge! was a lot of conflicts 01:40:37 Barbara Baron: @Kara (catching up) to your question about charging. agree, Perhaps charging low fee and go for volume. Aim for 100 in your next course... and add an incentive (?$a few dollars off ) to bring a friend. 01:42:50 Kara Burnstine: A new good networking idea I found was I was able to be on a roundtable and speak for a few minutes about what I do for companies and it was in front on a bunch of HR people. After that, some of the people on the call reached out from Linked IN 01:46:08 Barbara Baron: A good suggestion is to make 10 calls by 10 am. 01:48:33 Barbara Baron: @Kara did people at the RT find you on LI? 01:50:18 Kara Burnstine: no, I actually am really not good with Linked In. I was invited to talk at the roundtable, and after that some people reached out to me via LInkedIn 01:51:04 Jennifer Fedie: Thank you for posting that Chris! I'm trying to determine prices too! 01:53:57 Lindsay Henley: `I just presented my program as a monthly fee and the person went for it! 01:54:01 Lindsay Henley: Sounds better 01:55:03 Kara Burnstine: thanks lesli! 01:55:09 Chris Latham: Thank you! 01:55:13 Barbara Baron: Thank you! Yes. Look forward to seeing the packages on the grouo