00:18:43 Rickelle Tallent: I had an enrollment call monday and will follow up today at 2:45pm 00:19:22 Rickelle Tallent: I’m also going to start the CLT course 00:19:26 Emily Luxford: @rickelle - great news! It sounds like it went well since you have a follow up today. 00:19:48 Rickelle Tallent: @emily thanks! I hope so :) 00:19:53 Chris Latham: I fired a client today. 00:20:07 kara burnstine nutritionist: doing my first giveaway to grow my list; my first signature client completed her 90 days and signed up for monthly membership with added 2 meal plans monthly 00:20:31 Rickelle Tallent: @chris haha I really want to hear about this! 00:20:40 Rickelle Tallent: @kara that’s awesome! 00:20:47 Rickelle Tallent: @barbara good luck! 00:20:57 kara burnstine nutritionist: go barb!!!!! 00:21:17 Lindsay Henley: Kara how much do you charge extra for your meal plans? 00:21:29 Lindsay Henley: I just signed up for that clean life and am trying to figure out how to integrate it in 00:22:50 Barbara Baron: @ Kara Congratulations sounds great. 00:23:18 Barbara Baron: @Thank you Rickelle 00:23:27 Rickelle Tallent: @kara I’d like to hear more about the meal planning as well. Is it worth the monthly fee? I’m nervous to spend $40-60 per month on it 00:23:55 P. Iampietro: I started with a new personal PCP and during the appt she asked about work. I told her what I do and she asked for my card for referrals! 00:23:57 Barbara Baron: @Kara TY, I too would like to know how much you charge for our meal plans 00:25:05 P. Iampietro: I too am interested in what a fee for meal planning is. I joined EatLove and have tried it but not yet marketed it as a service. 00:31:46 Rickelle Tallent: Lesli can I ask you a quick question about offering a brief special? 00:36:25 Deanna: take away car or cell phone? 00:37:18 Rickelle Tallent: The students I’m still in touch with aren’t all that happy so far with college 00:37:59 kara burnstine nutritionist: @deanna...lol we are so far passed taking away things.. 00:38:58 Barbara Baron: @Rickelle when looking at investing in meal planning programs, I suggest looking at what assets they offer. I am a member of That Clean Life and Living Plate. I use the assets and recipes to create ebooks, lead magnets, more often, since many of my clients don't want a dictated B,L D. ... 00:39:39 Deanna: @kara- I don't have anything else then- lol. I have been making the "kids" at home cook dinner once a week and we all clean together on the weekends (most weeks). 00:48:44 Rickelle Tallent: I feel the same way! But working on it… 00:54:11 Kerry Mitchell: it is used in pure coaching models. Negativity sticks out of fear and protection easier.. It takes more positive thoughts and affirmations to be repeated 00:54:32 P. Iampietro: I use them more for my clients than myself! 01:01:59 Barbara Baron: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is a good book that has been around a long time and provides reference to Self Confidence Formula and your Desire statement and encourages daily affirmation of speaking of your future self in the present tense. :) 01:04:17 kara burnstine nutritionist: have you watched the "marshmallow experiment"; for me it's all about patience! watching that really cute video was a great affirmation reminder that "patience is a virtue"; put the work in and the people will come.. 01:05:08 Barbara Baron: In my opinion you need to spend 15 minutes a day reciting your affirmation, saying it is better than just seeing it where it may get lost with all our pop up notifications.. 01:10:45 kara burnstine nutritionist: I notice many of my clients get frustrated if/when the weight loss takes a halt. I always ask them what have they accomplished vs what they have not. it seems to help them "switch that dial" 01:10:50 P. Iampietro: We can connect anytime! 01:11:32 Kerry Mitchell: before we are disconnected on our fab group maybe we can start our own 01:11:40 Kerry Mitchell: facebook 01:12:07 Barbara Baron: Mastermind group I belong to is the opposite, they are encouraging and will call you out if you are not moving forward. 01:14:55 Emily Luxford: REJECTION 01:15:45 Lindsay Henley: This is so good Lesli, I haven't signed any new clients in the last 4 weeks, I had two leads and lost them both :( 01:19:26 Barbara Baron: @Lindsay these were not your perfect clients, and this allows your perfect client to show up. 01:20:06 Lindsay Henley: Thank you :) 01:21:39 Barbara Baron: @Lindsay, this has happened to me. I thought I lost clients, yet I realized that if I worked with them, I wouldn't have had the time to spend with my ideal client - when they showed up. 01:23:57 Emily Luxford: @lesli - I can share 01:25:28 Rickelle Tallent: I can go after Emily if need another example 01:34:30 Barbara Baron: @Kara how can you look at this with a different perspective 01:35:59 Jennifer Fedie: It's not me, it's you 01:36:31 P. Iampietro: How about...It's not the right time for my program and this client. 01:36:31 Barbara Baron: the person on the phone was not the decision maker and perhaps "ignorant" of process of negotiating 01:37:35 Jennifer Fedie: I love how you called back and gathered more information! You acted on not accepting a negative feeling!! 01:37:37 Barbara Baron: @Rather than having further discussions, perhaps connect with the decision maker and set a time to create a proposal for their next quarter. 01:40:10 Rickelle Tallent: @emily that’s such a good analogy! 01:40:17 kara burnstine nutritionist: great story Emily!!! 01:45:21 Emily Luxford: Happy to share! 01:52:51 Barbara Baron: @Rickelle the program didn't align with your values 01:54:08 Rickelle Tallent: @barbara exactly! should have stated that from the beginning rather than hoping to change it once I was “in” . Lesson learned! 01:56:28 Barbara Baron: @Rickelle. Agree with your husband. An opportunity for next venture, when someone asks you to mirror someone elses program, you Now Know... to say" I would love to share with you the program I have, that creates success for people -- Would you like to hear more about what I can offer your people.staff etec?" 01:57:43 Rickelle Tallent: @barbara thank you :) 01:58:35 kara burnstine nutritionist: I use the website sparkpeople a lot for motivational articles for my clients. it's a great little tool 02:01:42 P. Iampietro: I have to jump off, good call! thanks. 02:01:58 Chris Latham: I feel I have to often remind my clients how far they have come. 02:02:04 Barbara Baron: @Lesli it is self sabotage 02:04:02 Chris Latham: Where do we find that handout 02:04:24 Voula: thank you! 02:04:29 Barbara Baron: thank you