Unknown 0:02 Welcome to this week's podcast where today we're talking about how to stop selling your time and start selling your awesomeness. Because one of the things that I've really only ever seen up until a certain point in my fitness career, and I still see a lot of now is obviously fitness professionals selling their time to create an income. So things like teaching classes, running personal training sessions like all those all those things that actually require you to be there and invest your time in those things. And it's all great. We still need those services. We still need that aspect. I still teach an aspect of that in my business, I still do an aspect of that in my business. But what I found, found the hard way is that again, we can't continue to do that and thrive in the fitness industry and a lot of the time we are really exhausting ourselves. Because our income is based around the time that we put in the hours that we put in the classes that we teach the sessions that we run, and there is another way and we need to start to really implement that in a big way so you can start selling how awesome you are. You can start selling how what you've abated he got trained in so being trained as a fitness professional. You didn't get trained to just sell your time. You got to train to get a skill he got trained in how to help people. And you can do that. Without physically being there with people you can do that. With online services. You can do that with PDFs and ebooks. You can do that by writing a book. You can do that by lots of other avenues where you can use your knowledge you can use your knowledge to help people without actually being there and selling your time and this makes those hours that you do invest in being with clients and teaching ourselves. It makes those times more valuable to your clients. It means that that you put more energy and more effort and you are you in those times. I remember teaching classes when just not really feeling like myself because I was so exhausted it was just all I was doing was teaching classes, teaching classes, the odd personal training session teaching classes, and it became a chore. It became work for something that I love to do to something that was just exhausting me and something that just didn't fit with what I expected. My fitness business and my fitness career to be. So let's talk about how we can stop that time for money aspect. And start to sell your awesomeness start to sell and market and help people with what you're qualified and what you what you're capable of helping people with, but in a way that doesn't require your time in the long run. So obviously certain things take time to set up to create. But then you want to create something that you can run pretty much on autopilot and you're just investing our time on helping and supporting those people who who have been invested in your online services and in your online products and in your online whatever you're creating, instead of investing your time Unknown 4:05 so let's talk about how we can start to do that. And as always I always start with mindset so when I mentoring fitness professionals when I'm doing anything, myself, I always start with my mindset. How can I flip my mindset to, to knowing that I can do this to believing in my awesomeness because we are the last people to big ourselves up. We are the last people to really believe that we can can do things. No we're really great at motivating other people to believe in themselves and to get their results but a lot of the time as fitness professionals. We are the last people who ourselves believing in ourselves. So mindset is a huge thing. And I remember I have I had to do a lot of work on this concept of well if I'm not there with somebody teaching them or personal training them or again, whatever your discipline is, if I'm not there with them in person, then I'm doing a disservice or that it's it's it's not as valuable. Or I'm not a good fitness professional, if I'm not there physically with somebody. And it took a while to get over that. And this was pre pandemic. So obviously, a lot of us did that in the pandemic where we weren't there with people and we created things online. And you may and we did that without even questioning because we knew that we could help people. But as soon as we could get back out there and obviously there's an aspect that we do want to get back out there. We do want to start teaching face to face. But then then there was this almost like this thing, because we're not in a pandemic. Actually online is still doing people a disservice because people want to come back to that face to face concept of our business. And so you almost feel like there's almost this impostor syndrome you feel like a fraud when you are creating or promoting or having an online aspect to your fitness business. Rather than being that teaching those classes and being that in person with your personal training clients or yoga clients or Pilates clients, whatever your discipline is. So there's a big leap in mindset and really getting to the core benefits of how this actually helps your clients in the long run. By you not being there and then them having to actually motivate and step up to their own fitness and their own health with your support with what you've created and with the support system that you've put in place alongside that online service or that product that you've created. Unknown 7:10 But actually in the in the long run you are you're doing them a better service because they are building up that muscle where they can actually they don't necessarily need you there to invest in their health and it that empowers them to actually step up to themselves and gives them more confident and they're more self belief that they can do this. They can do this alone in terms of showing up for their fitness alone. But obviously with your help and your support and your guidance from the service that you've created, online where you're not physically there with selling your time for money. Unknown 7:52 So there's a really big mindset shift that has to happen in order to do this. And again, it comes in that form of believing that we are doing a great service or as a great service. Then we as we are when we're face to face with people. And also there's a mindset of believing in ourselves that we can do this as well. Because like I said as fitness professionals we are the first people to to kind of not have the faith in ourselves and I speak to a lot of people and that there's plenty of fitness instructors and personal trainers out there who have this really big self confidence and believe they can do anything. But there is a really huge majority and I speak to a lot of those fitness professionals on a daily basis who have this huge impostor syndrome of believing that they can create something like that and believing that they can do something like that and believing that then not exhausting themselves and I'm making an income is okay because a lot of the time like we feel like I shouldn't be charging this because I've created something online. You know, you've you've recorded videos, you've created a PDF, you've written a book, you've created something online a while ago, and you're just selling it over and over again to different people. And sometimes that can feel like who am I to be doing that? Who am I to be receiving this money when it's something that I've created a while ago, and I haven't invested any more time in delivering that. Unknown 9:36 I'm just investing time now in supporting people through that online programme through that online membership through that PDF, workout, whatever you've created, and so there's this whole kind of conflict in the body of I shouldn't be charging that maybe I should reduce my prices, maybe I should give this away for free. And so there's that value aspect as well when it comes to that mindset shift. Unknown 10:05 And so again, that's a lot of work to do. Unknown 10:08 And it's it's a daily, it's a daily task to do. It's something that we have to do absolutely every single day because more things keep showing up and coming up around this and around lots of different aspects of our business, new level you double and a lot of the time you will have experienced this when you're setting up classes when you're set when you were setting up your business. When you were setting up your personal training. Unknown 10:38 Those mindset things probably would have come up then as well. How much should I charge should I should should I be charging that much for that service? Unknown 10:48 Am I worthy of doing this job? So lots of things always come up with our mindset and it's the one thing that we try and push down. We push away we don't really address and nothing can move forward if we don't address these mindset shifts. So there's so many tools that you can implement here. And that's I will do so many more podcasts and so many more trainings on mindset because it is a huge thing. But a few things that I do daily is just to get into this state of gratitude of everything that I've accomplished so far in my fitness business, and having gratitude for that. And also having gratitude for this new opportunity to be able to help people and sell people and make an income when I don't have to physically sell my time. So always being grateful for what you have always been grateful for what's to come. Huge mindset shifts when when we do that, because we start to realise that we have done some amazing things in the past. So when we start to be grateful for all the things we have accomplished, we remind ourselves that we can do things and we can overcome things and we can achieve our goals. And then when we start to be grateful for what's to come, we can start to build that belief in something that we can achieve in the future. So gratitude is a huge one. Affirmations is a huge one of really getting connected to the thoughts that we want to think instead of the thoughts that maybe we're currently thinking. So I used to spend a lot of time in my head of all the things that I didn't want, like really focused on everything in my life that wasn't going right that I didn't want in my life. And so I kept getting more and more and more of that. So really changing our mindset to thinking, Okay, what is it that I do want and how can I think like that person, how can I affirm that I am that person. So affirmations are really really good, but also our formations where we're actually asking ourselves questions because as soon as we ask questions, our mind automatically goes to find the answers. So instead of asking yourself things like or saying to yourself things like oh, why can't I do this? Why can I have that kind of aspects of my business? Why? Am I not good enough? stead of asking those negative questions. Unknown 13:17 Start asking yourself, why can I do this? Why am I good enough to do this? Why can I help more people by doing this? And asking those questions that have that positive connotation rather than the negative? So really be mindful of what you are thinking. And as soon as you start to think those negative thoughts or those negative questions, start to flip them around and just start to play around with saying them slightly differently. And there's so many other forms of things that we can do to improve our mindset. But those are huge. And those are things that I do on a daily basis. So start to do that start to create this gratitude and start to think about things that you actually want and start to affirm those as if they are already here in your life. And sort of flip that negative self talk, just literally, it's literally just switching it to a positive. So anything negative you say there's a positive version to it. And all you're going to do is flip that to a positive Unknown 14:23 so then we want to think about well, how can I create this aspect? How can I stop selling my time and start selling my awesomeness? start selling, how I can help people but in a way that doesn't involve a lot of my time to actually deliver that service. So first of all, I want you to write down all the things that you do at the moment or the face to face classes you teach or the personal training sessions you can teach. And so really just get a piece of paper or getting the notes up on your phone and start to create kind of a mind map or a brainstorm of all the ways that you can still do those things, but without physically being there. So for instance, if you teach a lot of dance fitness classes, I want you to brainstorm how you can still teach dance fitness without physically being there. So can you pre record sessions and create a 30 day course that once it's created, you can then sell that instead of selling an actual class face to face class with you. Unknown 15:31 And it's not about stopping all your face to face surfaces. But it's it's about finding ways where you can create an income outside of those services. So you don't have to do as many so you're not as exhausted and so you can start to create an income even when you're on holiday even when you're ill even when you haven't maybe physically got the numbers in your classes. So start to brainstorm ways you can do that, again, with personal training. Is there a way that you can create a personal training plan for somebody without again physically being there with them? Is there a way you can create a generic plan for specific types of problems that people have? So maybe you are really good at working? You have quite a few person training clients that are runners. Is that a programme that you can create? Specifically for runners, which will improve their running time which improve their Unknown 16:37 their recovery after running long distance? So what can you create that again, you can create once and then you can sell over and over again? And I really want you to brainstorm just write down everything. Don't censor yourself, don't think oh, that's a silly idea. Because a lot of the time, the sillier the ideas, the more actually they probably work really well. Unknown 17:01 So really get creative and really start thinking about those things. Or maybe your face to face classes are really really successful. And you know that you can help other fitness professionals create that kind of success. So maybe it's a slightly different avenue that you can go down or maybe again you you teach dance fitness classes and a lot of the time people come to your sessions and they are what's that move they come to ask you at the end. Can you just go over that little move? Maybe you can create something that you're not teaching fitness or dance fitness classes but you're actually teaching the choreography you're breaking down the steps and it's a place where people can get access to that. And before they come to class, they can kind of go over those steps or maybe again, you're creating choreography for other instructors. And I don't want you to think because a lot of the time when this happens people think fitness professionals think well there's so many celebrities doing that, you know that Joe wicks is doing that or this person is doing that. Why would people want to buy that from me when they can get it from that person? And here's the thing that's the right people who differently so people who like Joe wigs or people who like the other fitness professional, maybe aren't going to like your services. But at the same time people who don't like those other services that other fitness professionals are doing you are going to be there for them. And you have different experiences. You have different stories you have a different personality that people are going to be attracted to and that they will want how you are providing the service. They will want support from you specifically as a fitness professional because they kind of relate to you or they just feel like you are the right kind of person for them. And I get that so much that people have been to exactly the same class. Unknown 19:10 Not necessarily my classes, but people come to me and say, Joe, I did a Pilates class with this instructor and a Pilates class with this instructor. And it was pretty much the same class. They pretty much did the same exercises. But I just had a better connection with that instructor. I liked the way that instructor presented that those exercises. Unknown 19:30 And it again, it doesn't make anyone better than the other. We're all different. And so we all have this individuality to be able to serve on an individual basis. So I don't want you to go into comparison mode. I don't want you to go into that negative self talk, as you know, saying to yourself, Well why would this work for me when so many people can go to this person or to that person or they get it really cheap here or they can get it free on YouTube. I want you to start to again cultivate that positive self talk and say to yourself, people will come to me because I have something valuable to give. And I can really help people. And I can create this and this is something that I can do. So it starts with brainstorming and taking one of those ideas and starting to create it and believing that you can create it. Maybe even put an out there to your audience that you already have with the clients that you already have. And saying to them, Look, I'm looking to create this. Is this something that you'd be interested in or I want to create something online. What would you love to do be to be able to do at home maybe alongside our face to face sessions to really get that feedback as well. So that's more than enough for you to kind of start your journey into stop selling your time and start selling your awesomeness. start selling how you can help people in in other ways. So really want you to focus on that this week. Focus on that mindset shift of this is possible for you and people do want what you have to offer and you don't have to sell it your time in order to be able to offer that and in order to be able to make an income and start to really brainstorm in the ways that that you can do that. And really uncensor yourself in that write as much down as possible. about all the ways you can start creating things that don't require your time. You can create them once and sell them over and over again. And support people over and over again without physically being there. Unknown 21:41 So I hope that helps. Let me know in the comments reach out to me if that has helped. And let me know your ideas as well. So posting in the comments, especially if you're listening to this on the website. There's a comment section below that you can post your comments. And let me know your ideas. Let me know your questions. Let me know what you're struggling with. I'm always happy to help Transcribed by https://otter.ai